Get BLNK'D!!

The Blanks Animation


Blanks are a derivative/expansion of Planks by @Mattylaboosh NFT collection. After the mint of Planks, Mattylaboosh encouraged community derivatives of his wonderful artwork. The first derivative was PLNX, a pixel-art derivative project by Jeremy.eth. Please consider minting one if you haven't already. But beyond that, what are Blanks?

They’re your next new PFP (for a minute at least). They’re the imaginary wooden friend you never knew you needed and can’t see anyway (much like a “real” imaginary friend). They have all those traits you grew to love in your solid wood friends, Planks, but they are so much more. They’re Jack-o-Lanterns, Victims or Heinous Acts, Spirits, Soldiers for the CFM, Music Afficianados, etc., etc.. They’re what you make of them (after what we have made of them of course), a story of your own devising. Web3 is interactive, it’s community; Matty didn’t want to create a narrative, so I decided that this would be the first Plank derivative story I would tell. Yeah, I said first, there’s more to come (from me).

Where are they going? You’re wallet and maybe your Ledger? Maybe these end up in 3D, but having floating traits walking around the metaverse might not be conducive to socializing. No message, no promises, no roadmap, no , just hand-drawn derivative art with an edge. Built from traits created by @MattyLaboosh and then a heavy dose of my own hand-drawn traits. Almost all of the original Guises required an additional layer, the things you weren’t seeing behind the wood. The compositions are pseudo-randomized (I maintain control over the weighting and the ability to swap traits and override the randomization process).


5 1of1s – They do not share traits with the rest of the collection (have only one trait in metadata), all hand-drawn (or copied from other collections which supposedly were hand drawn), pulling in ideas and artwork from Planks, RXApes, MyFakeApes, Raccoon Secret Society and more.

25-35 Handpicked Combos (hard to tell anymore which fall into this category) – While each ID has been tweaked & fine-tuned to get just the right traits, a handful (or maybe it’s multiple handfuls) was intentionally selected just for you (or someone else if you don’t get it).

21 Atmospheres (+ 9 from Planks)

35 Countenances (+7 from Planks)

45 Expressions (+7 from Planks)

63 Guises (+12 from Planks) this is where the effort went evidently

12 Species (+0 from Planks) c’mon, they are “invisible”, why would I spend time creating new species just to obscure them – the new species wave is coming

5 Wildcards – ALL NEW!!!!

Some "Easter Egg" surprises scattered through the collection

For a total of 181 traits, 137 of which the credit goes to Matty Laboosh. A handful of those 137 traits were edited to allow for proper display with the backs showing, to fix a duplicate and to just make sense in the Blanks Universe.

This is less a rip-off and more of a true derivative. Having the layers provided was a godsend, but putting the effort into creating something that expanded on Matty’s work is what all derivatives should be. They're meant to be humorous, irreverent, snarky, and silly. Stop taking everything seriously and look at the ridiculous from time to time and laugh. Artists, like me (and far better – like Matty) are still here, bringing the best they can to the NFT space.

Planks to Blanks Conversion Animation Images below - shown without backgrounds

Blanks Sample 1 Blanks Sample 2 Blanks Sample 3


Blanks Sample 4 Blanks Sample 5


- How many Blanks will be produced?: 313 max

- How much does it cost?: FREE!! (you pay gas, but nothing else) for at least a week but..... you must hold either an RXnegade Token or a Planks by @Mattylaboosh.

(a snapshot of the two qualifying IDs will occur 24 hours before mint opens - see below)
(after 7 days, we will decide whether to go to a public mint for the remainder of the IDs - Public mint will be announced publicly in multiple sites 24 hours before it goes live)

- What happens after 7 days (or more)?: Blanks may/will proceed to a public mint and cost 0.01ETH + gas!

- How many can I get?: THREE per wallet max!

- How do I get one or more than one?: Blanks will be minted on the platform here.

( provides a platform for artists to self-publish industry-standard ERC-721 NFTs with gas efficient contracts and plenty of tools that are growing every day)

- Wen can I get my Blanks?: October 20, 2022 @ 8:00PM Eastern Time (EST) - that's 0:00 GMT

- Wen is the reveal?: Immediately!

- Is there a community?: Sort of? There is a pre-existing community that supports the Planks and all of its derivatives. It's the RXnegades community , started by brothers Paul (Renshaw) and @MattyLaboosh. They are bringing innovation to NFTs and killer art to go with it. Check them out.

- Wen Moon? Wen Lambo?: Depends, whenever the one with the moon is minted? There is no NFT with a Lambo in this collection, sorry. Oh, you want to know when you will own a digital image file (Portable Network Graphic - PNG) that will make you so much money that you can afford a supercar? Read those words and then ask a different question.


I willingingly carry the monicker of CompleteAsshole, but those who have "met" me know that I am anything but. I believe in the power of a strong community and the ability to create a movement with that strength. When I found the NFT community, I realized that this was a movement I wanted to be a part of. I started my NFT adventure in 2021 with a rug pull, but I didn't leave. I knew that this movement would eventual reawaken the artist in me. That just took longer that expected and had many fits and starts, but no luck bringing an NFT to market.

Then came RXnegades and the RX Apes, and the Planks that followed. @Mattylaboosh laid the groundwork for me to spread my wings and hit the ground running (always love a mixed metaphor). Over the past month+ I have enjoyed creating new traits, getting comfortable with a stylus rather than pencil, marker or brush and exploring how I could layer my ideas on such a great canvas, provided by the Planks. That brings me to now, releasing my first (of hopefully many) small-collection art NFTs.

I am educated & trained as an architect (buildings not IT), graphic designer, photographer, writer and aquatics designer. I have worked professionally in the field of architecture for over two decades and have always dabbled in my art on the side. I first became interested in crypto in 2014, working as a beta-tester on the STORJ project and later buying (then selling WAY too early) both BTC & ETH. After a hiatus due to real life priorities, I came back to crypto in 2020 and later found the NFT space. It was only a matter of time before I became a creator in the space and not just an investor. Born & raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, I bring a Midwest sensibility to how profit and revenue should be treated in my work. While I want to get paid and be acknowledged for my art, I am not looking to get rich quick. I am looking to build a legacy which far outlasts my mortal soul. Blanks is the first step of the first project to come out of CA Works (just taking that name for a spin) - my contribution to Web3 and the NFT community.
CompleteAsshole Blank The_CompleteAsshole



As Seen On


The art which is produced in the Blanks NFT collection is based on the art of the original NFT project, Planks and with the express permission of the artist and developer of that project. This art is a standalone collection but resides within the RXnegade, RX Apes & Planks communities. You are granted full commercial use rights upon purchase of the NFT (please note that commercial use rights are NOT copyright). It is an unofficial expansion/derivative of the Planks NFT project. The arts produced and delivered in NFT format are creative, artistic interpretations of the original art, individually created and painstakingly edited.

Producing this art takes time and creative energy. There are no refunds, edits or modifications permitted. All sales (mints) are final upon signing the transaction.
